Ministry | Contact | Phone |
Adoration | Paul and Yverose Jean-Mary | (561) 790-4768 |
Altar Linens | Gina Figurella | (561) 793-4957 |
Altar Server | Kerry Gornick | (561) 317-8854 |
Building & Grounds | Rick Busch | (561) 798-5661 ext 101 |
Church Mice | Isabel Lawton | (561) 385-9889 |
Coffee & Donuts | Parish office | (561) 798-5661/ [email protected] |
Columbiettes | Audrey Valentine | (561) 798-5661 |
Contemporary Music | Steve and Janet Davis | (561) 798-5661 |
Council of Catholic Women | Patty Boxold | 561-798-5661 |
Education & Tuition Committee | Teri Stocking | (561) 282-7334 |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Deacon Bob Laquerre | (561) 798-5661 |
Family Life Ministry | Belen Andrews | 618-531-3415 / [email protected] |
Festival | Marianne Duemig | (561) 790-5468 |
Finance Council | Chris Winters | (561) 798-5661 ext 103/[email protected] |
Garden Ministry | Sandy Popp | (561) 951-2169 |
Health and Wellness Ministry | Deirdre Krause | 561-798-5661 |
Homebound Eucharistic Minister | Rhonda Busch | (561) 795-3205 |
Hospital Ministry | Deacon Bob Laquerre | (561) 798-5661 |
Knights of Columbus | Bill Mergens | 561-798-5661 |
Lector | Parish Office | 561-798-5661 |
Little Rascals Senior Group | Debra Kryczkowski | [email protected] |
Liturgy Committee | Fr. Andy Rudnicki | (561) 798-5661 |
Ministry of Consolation | Jennifer Ryan | (561) 798-5661 - call Parish Office |
Multimedia Ministry | Marianne Duemig | (561) 790-5468 |
Music Ministry | Alfred Casinelli | (561) 798-5661, ext. 109, [email protected] |
Our Lady Queens of Talent | Angela DiLeonardo | (561) 791-2914 |
Parish Office Support Team | Chris Winters | (561) 798-5661 ext. 103/[email protected] |
Photography | Paule Jean-Mary | 561-762-8729 |
Religious Education | Deacon Bob Laquerre | (561) 798-5661, ext. 105 |
Respect Life | Parish office | (561) 798-5661 |
Rite of Christian Initiation - RCIA | Deacon Bob Laquerre | 561-798-5661, ext. 105 |
Rosary Makers | Yverose Jean-Mary | (561) 790-4768 |
Sacristans | Butch Figurella | (561) 793-4957 |
Safe and Secure Ministry | George Searing | 561-719-2216 |
Skilled Trade Committee | Rick Busch | (561) 798-5661 ext 101 |
Spanish Ministry | Enrique Sobrino or Alsacia Sakellis | (561) 252-0003 or 561-792-7476 |
St. Vincent de Paul | Cookie Dykes | (561) 333-4664 |
Usher | Greg Mazzella | 561-798-5661 |